Cristaux chanceux

Pierres du chakra du cœur: 16 Cristaux essentiels pour développer l'amour

Les pierres pour le chakra du cœur comprennent le quartz rose, émeraude, Aventurine verte, Rhodonite, Amazonite, Jade vert, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Préhnite, chrysoprase, Tourmaline verte, Calcite verte, Kunzite, Moldavie verte, Agate mousse, et péridot. Ils soutiennent la croissance de l'amour et de la compassion et l'élimination des blocages cardiaques..

Comprendre le chakra du cœur/Anahata

rose quartz heart chakra stones

Notre énergie émotionnelle circule à travers le chakra du cœur, qui est vibrant et battant et le centre de tout notre amour et de notre compassion. L'espace coeur, également appelé quatrième chakra et appelé Anahata en sanskrit, est un lien étonnant entre les chakras inférieurs et les chakras spirituels supérieurs.. C'est là que nous trouverons notre sens du pardon, soins auto-administrés, confiance en soi, empathie, et connexion aux autres. Même si on associe fréquemment le mot “amour” avec les gens dans nos vies, l'une des qualités les plus cruciales que nous puissions posséder est l'amour-propre. Prendre soin de soi en profondeur nous permet de prendre des décisions égoïstes, abandonner les vieux traumatismes qui nous maintiennent immobilisés, et nous nourrit pour que nous puissions être plus riches, plus doux, et des expériences de vie plus profondes.

Nous pouvons avoir du mal à abandonner les torts du passé et à pardonner lorsque notre chakra du cœur est bloqué.. Nous pourrions connaître un revers dans notre estime de soi et nous sentir isolés ou comme si nous n’appartenions pas. Les signes physiques de dépression ou d'anxiété peuvent inclure des palpitations cardiaques, pression artérielle élevée ou basse, mauvaise circulation, et des problèmes respiratoires. Vous pourriez avoir des difficultés avec la co-dépendance, jalousie, des attentes élevées, et être dur dans votre jugement envers les autres en raison d'un chakra du cœur hyperactif qui doit être rééquilibré.

Cristaux de guérison qui éliminent les blocages du cœur

Les cristaux sont l'un des meilleurs moyens d'éliminer les vieux blocages du cœur et de vous combler.. Les cristaux curatifs qui éliminent les blocages cardiaques sont une autre excellente option. Bien que les pierres vertes chatoyantes soient également liées au cœur, nous associons généralement les pierres précieuses rose tendre à cette zone. Cependant, ils tissent également des fils de pouvoir, estime de soi, joie, et l'harmonie. Ces pierres sont généralement mûres avec une énergie aimante. Regardez ces pierres étonnantes qui guériront votre chakra du cœur et vous couperont le souffle.

1) Quartz Rose

rose quartz for heart chakra

Le chakra du cœur et le quartz rose sont régis par le quartz rose. Ce joyau rose tendre est si plein de compassion qu'il pourrait éclater. Quartz Rose, qui est souvent appelé le cristal de l'amour inconditionnel, n'est pas seulement un outil pour la romance; c’est également idéal pour provoquer une guérison cardiaque radieuse, niveaux croissants d’auto-compassion et d’empathie, et offrir du confort d'innombrables façons. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance du quartz rose.

2) émeraude

emerald for the heart chakra

En ce qui concerne les problèmes liés au chakra du cœur, la pierre émeraude, qui brille dans des tons de vert royaux, est une question de sagesse et d'émerveillement. Thèmes d'harmonie, équilibre, et l'amour réussi avec les autres ainsi qu'avec soi-même sont fortement soulignés par cette pierre, qui fonctionne de différentes manières. Quand tu travailles l'émeraude, elle confère également de la sagesse à votre centre cardiaque et vous apprend à croire les messages venant de votre propre cœur car c'est une pierre de prophétie.. Faire confiance à notre propre cœur nous permet de nous sentir plus à l'aise dans nos interactions avec les autres, qui promeut un état d’esprit ouvert et libéré.

3) Aventurine verte

green aventurine for heart chakra

Aventurine verte, ce qui est toujours édifiant, envoie de belles vibrations pour aider à équilibrer votre cœur. Vous pouvez plonger dans l'énergie terrestre bienheureuse à l'aide de ce joyau serein., qui guérit également le chakra du cœur. Nous pouvons atteindre de plus grands niveaux de paix et d’harmonie en approfondissant notre lien avec la nature.. Les aspects de croissance et d'éducation sont également encouragés par l'aventurine verte.. L'Aventurine verte garantit que votre cœur est également stable et ouvert à recevoir pour ceux qui veulent créer les conditions pour attirer l'abondance et les opportunités.. Apprenez-en davantage sur la signification de l’aventurine verte.

4) Rhodonite

rhodonite for heart chakra

Rhodonite, qui brille dans des tons délicats de rouge et de rose, a une étrange capacité à tirer sur la corde sensible. Cette pierre vive et à forte vibration est également appelée pierre de sauvetage., et l'une de ses plus grandes capacités est d'équilibrer à la fois le chakra du cœur et le chakra racine.. Il est beaucoup plus simple d’ouvrir son cœur et d’avoir confiance et pouvoir lorsque l’on a des bases solides.. La rhodonite sait comment améliorer cet acte de jonglerie et peut reconstituer les réserves d'amour épuisées., compréhension, and compassion so you can regain those rose-colored glasses that bring a little light relief and unadulterated joy to difficult times. Learn more about the definition of rhodonite.

5) Amazonite

amazonite for heart chakra

The Amazonite warrior spirit is one to brag about because it is unrestrained, sauvage, and filled with emotion. This stunning blue and green gem connects to the heart and throat chakras so that your goddess energy can flow freely. It is very energizing. Selon la légende, the Amazonians used amazonite as a gem to adorn their shields. These strong, fearless women had big, fearless feelings that were all-encompassing, not in a sugar-soft way. This brave gem helps you shake off your fears so you can let the light in if you need a serious boost of self-assurance to transform your love and relationship into something healthier. En savoir plus sur la définition de l’amazonite.

6) Jade vert

green jade for heart chakra

Green Jade has long been revered as a talisman for tingly bright living because it is a stone of sublime luck (Oui, even in love). This gem is calm and logical, and it is all about assisting you in accessing abundance. Green Jade reminds you that you deserve more, more, more and that you must open your heart chakra and create the life you desire in order to make this magic happen. Jade represents success and joy. This stone can be worn as an amulet by those who want to celebrate their own success. Learn more about what jade means.

7) Malachite

Malachite for heart chakra

The green and black Malachite stone is teeming with sublime energy and contains great strength and power. Two essential components for experiencing love are brought together by this heart chakra and throat chakra gem: a clear heart and a clear voice. We are better able to speak up, set healthy boundaries, and step into stability when we have these two things under control. A stone with transformative properties is malachite. It genuinely wants the best for you and is a fantastic stone for empaths who can become overburdened by soaking up other people’s moods. En savoir plus sur ce que signifie la malachite.

8) Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite for heart chakra

Rhodochrosite is an exquisite stone with bands of various pink hues. Rhodochrosite is an effective cleanser because it connects the energy pathways that rise from the root chakra, pass through the solar plexus chakra, and reach the heart chakra’s radiant light. This gem will locate and immediately remove any emotional blockages you may have. Vénus, the planet of love, rules rhodochrosite, which intensifies the emotional bond. It is a superb stone for reestablishing contact with people you’ve lost touch with or for fostering bonds with people you already know.

9) Préhnite

Prehnite for heart chakra

Golden Prehnite may have that energizing solar plexus chakra glow, but it also has a heart chakra resonance. High levels of unrestricted love and healing are known to be brought by this brilliant gem. Having Prehnite by your side is crucial for keeping you open and soft while preventing burnout for all of you healers, empaths, and shamans out there. Prehnite promises higher spiritual vibrations and can be a wonderful tool for maintaining your heart’s connection throughout extended periods of deep meditation, visualization, or any other psychic practice you may be engaging in.

10) chrysoprase

chrysoprase for heart chakra

The Chrysoprase stone, fresh in shades of biting apple green, is here to reenergize the heart area. This gem is also known as thestone of divine truth,” reminding us that wisdom can be heard and felt in the depths of the heart in addition to its residence in the mental caverns. This lively gem also exudes springtime vitality. Chrysoprase reaches out a hand to lift those who have been hibernating in the darker emotions of joy from their winter of the soul. It teaches us to release our codependence and enter a place of self-forgiveness, value, and remembrance of the special energy of our own worth.

11) Tourmaline verte

green tourmaline for heart chakra

With Green Tourmaline, Mother Gaia’s earth gem, you can go for the gold as it ties your heart to both the world below and the radiant height of heaven above. With its singing high vibrations, this stone clears the heart chakra space, increases compassion, and strengthens the physical heart. Green tourmaline is a wonderful tool to help you achieve all of that and so much more if you want to deepen your connection to the earth in order to increase your awareness of the present moment and your capacity for genuine love. Learn more about the significance of tourmaline.

12) Calcite verte

green calcite for heart chakra

Calcite verte, another gem that is prepared for the heart chakra, is as cool as a cucumber. This stone’s entire purpose is to clear the way of accumulated emotion that might otherwise send you flying. Our lives are given the blessings of peace, clarté, and expression by green calcite. There is room for light and love to grow and for emotional wounds to heal when we have something to help drain negative energy and accumulated frustration. One of the very first steps in creating a solid and enduring love, this kind, level-headed gem also encourages us to be open about our needs and desires. Learn more about the definition of calcite.

13) Kunzite

Kunzite for heart chakra

The calming properties of kunzite help you to expand all that loving energy, cleanse your heart chakra, and access the infinite wisdom stored in your third eye chakra as well. The powerful love and devotional energy of this pretty pink stone is well known. Simply by gazing at it, this extremely calming stone can lower your blood pressure. Kunzite radiates inner calm, tranquillité, and a love that is unforced. Love will seem less like a struggle and more like a wave of wonder that washes over you thanks to all this yin energy. Learn more about the significance of kunzite.

14) Moldavie verte

green moldavite for heart chakra

You might expect Green Moldavite to be brimming with chaotic, swirling cosmic energy given that it is said to be a star-born stone. Plutôt, the dreamy, vibrant mood that this heart chakra gem has captured allows us to gain a completely different viewpoint. This gem aids us in breaking free from ingrained habits and accessing the dreams and visions that have been tucked away but can lead us to a place of illumination by opening the third eye chakra and pouring light and love into the heart space.

15) Agate mousse

moss agate for heart chakra

The ultimate reminder of how to survive and find havens of peace in our all-consuming, lightning-fast world is Moss Agate, another stone of earthly heartfelt energy. Moss Agate is a magical soul soother and heart chakra healer, earning its name from the mossy green hues that envelop this level-headed gem. This stone helps you maintain your sense of self, level out pendulous emotions, and be reminded of the beauty and strength that keeps you in control of your own destiny. We are gently reminded by a whisper in the wind that the best thing we can do for the world is to love ourselves. It also promotes harmony and peace in already established relationships. Learn more about what Moss Agate means.

16) Péridot

peridot for heart chakra

We adore the light that Peridot brings to the heart chakra party, sparkling in ethereal green tones. Peridot has a hint of summer hidden in its lush sparkle, and just one look at it will make your heart race. As we learn to let go of jealousy, ressentiment, and anger, peridot supports us in letting go of egocentric behaviors, maintaining emotional stability, and bringing levity into our lives. En plus, it is beneficial for the solar plexus chakra, helping to release blocked energy and rekindle passion, vigueur, et créativité. En savoir plus sur la signification du péridot.

How can you use these Heart Chakra Crystals

woman meditating in lotus pose with heart chakra stone bracelets

It may be sufficient for these stones to begin working on your heart’s healing and surrounding you in an aura of love simply by being in your presence or carrying them on your person. The following methods for promoting the flow of your heart energy can also be adopted by those who wish to delve further and take an active role in their heart chakra journey:

  • Wear gemstone jewelry close to your skin to allow these heart chakra crystals to resonate with your own energy.
  • To clear any blockages during meditation, place these stones on the area of your heart chakra.
  • Say loving affirmations every morning in front of the mirror while holding a heart-shaped crystal stone.
  • When writing in your gratitude journal, keep your stone close at hand.
  • If you want to promote harmony in your home, scatter your heart chakra crystals throughout, with a focus on the bedroom or communal areas.
  • To fill your soul with love, take a crystal bath or drink crystal elixirs all day long.

What else you can use instead of crystals

pink rose with pink scarf

You can also pick one of the following options to help keep your heart space vibrant and beating if you want to add even more complementary therapies to it:

  • Practice heart and chest opening yoga poses.
  • Eat green foods and heart-warming soups.
  • Say affirmations daily.
  • Breathe deeply as the heart chakra is associated with the air element
  • Dance and move your body
  • Hug yourself
  • Awaken your capacity to love with essential oils like rose, lavande, and jasmine


It is lovely to find balance in our hearts. It enlightens us with love’s light and inspires us to put no fear in our trust. It serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness with greater forces and the strength that comes from compassion. Numerous profound difficulties in life can be resolved by having an open heart.

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