Signification du cristal

Pierres de naissance du Lion: Le guide ultime de leurs significations & Utiliser

What is the Leo Birthstone?

Leo’s birthstone is Peridot. Peridot is green and indicates purpose and determination. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Individuals born between July 23rd and August 22nd are Leo’s. Leo has the governing planet of the sun and the element of fire. The zodiac emblem for Leo is the lion.

The Sign of Strength

Like the lion representing this fiery star sign, Leo people are bold and fearless and burn bright with a personality set by the sun. With a fire sign, it’s not that shocking to hear that Leo occupies that gap between warmth and passion. They are either here to let you bask in their lovely sunny side or they are sizzling with resolve and the drive to be right. Lions aren’t tremendously sophisticated beasts, and neither are Leo’s. They are sociable and big-hearted and radiate that delectable self-confidence that makes others want to remain close byand none of it is for show. Leo is loyal, a born leader, and enjoys the good life. They aren’t concerned about being devious, they just pounce when they want something or alternatively they kick back easily without the need to show themselves.

While being full of heart and a natural-born leader helps people draw towards the wealthy side of all those Leo’s out there, it’s not always smooth sailing on the social savannah. Strength of character can occasionally lapse into little conceit and stubbornness. There can be a touch of competitiveness and like the King of the Jungle, Leo folks might be intimidated when someone new emerges.

We have chosen a selection of the best gemstones to assist Leo’s make the most of all their outstanding attributes and to help overcome certain stutters that can hold Leo’s back in life and love. These therapeutic gemstones elegantly mirror the warmth and passion already dwelling in Leo’s soul, and some have been picked for their potential to assist Leo’s feel grounded, make room, and communicate compassion. Read reading to find out which stones make the most of your lionheart soul.

Not a Leo but want to know more about your own sign or dish the dirt on your friend’s signs? Check outour other guides to all things Zodiac signs

  • Bélier – Le Bélier – Mars 21 à avril 19
  • Taureau– The Bull – April 20 à mai 20
  • Gémeaux– The Twins – May 21 à juin 20
  • Cancer– The Crab – June 21 à juillet 22
  • Lion – Le Lion – Juillet 23 à août 22
  • Vierge – La Vierge – Août 23 à septembre 22
  • Balance – La Balance – Septembre 23 à octobre 22
  • Scorpion – Le Scorpion – Octobre 23 à novembre 21
  • Sagittaire – Le Centaure – Novembre 22 à décembre 21
  • Capricorne – La Chèvre – Décembre 22 à janvier 19
  • Verseau– The Water Bearer – January 20 à février 18
  • Poissons – Le poisson – Février 19 marcher 20

Leo Gemstones

Healing crystals are always an utter wonder, especially when they are a fantastic fit for your astrological sign since they share comparable elements, planets, and precisely defining features. Valuable stones may assist to remove blocked chakras, balance out emotions, encourage your luminous signals to shine, and to increase your consciousness. For Leo’s, this might entail crystals that can boost actual compassion, ouverture, and overcoming the belief that there is no tolerance for vulnerability. We are all human and holding up the stone of enormous strength at all times might lead to burnout. Have a look at these beautiful stones for Leo’s that might allow the fixed star sign to shimmer….


Peridot Stone

The Peridot Stone is the major birthstone for all those Leo’s out there. Beautiful in green and with a warm shine, this stone is recognized for its mischievous side and being a solid heart healer. Peridot is nicknamed the study stone implying that it is all about concentrate (a magical fit for the goal-orientated Leo) (a magical match for the goal-orientated Leo). While it is here to enhance your enthusiasm and devotion to the work at hand, is not all business with Peridot. This lovely stone is brilliant and ever ready to inspire the heart to expand to wash away those sentiments of possessiveness that Leo’s sometimes refuse to let go off. En savoir plus sur la signification du péridot.


Ruby Gemstone

Red and bright in its flaming brilliance, Ruby is eternally the regal stone that shimmers with love, désir, and a complete feeling of being. This diamond carries so much strength that its no wonder it is a perfect match for all those Leo’s out there. Ripe with confidence and a popular stone that warriors would wear in battle, the Ruby is fantastic for balancing out those root chakras, steadying bravery, and maintaining sexual prowess in a position of optimism. Find out more about the significance of Ruby.


Carnelian Stone

Another brilliant and comforting stone, the Carnelian is a sunset kiss. This healing gemstone is also regarded as a stone of bravery and artistic expression. For those Leo’s who desire to ignite their creative heart, the Carnelian fosters creative thinking. It’s a stone of amazing vitality and matches the inherent inclination Leo’s have for getting something done. It also enables Leo to stay devoted and genuine to themselves and to control strong feelings. En savoir plus sur la signification de la cornaline.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx Card

A strong and protecting stone that will ground those Icarus flying Leo’s down to a state of perfect steadiness. Black Onyx is here to boost Leo’s to their finest mindset. By bringing discipline to the table, promoting goal-orientated decisions, and offering structure where it may be collapsing, this stone is just what a natural leader needs to keep them straight on track.

Oeil de Tigre

Tigers Eye

Leo’s surely possess enormous cat spirit which is why the Tigers Eye also makes for an outstanding zodiac gemstone for this ferocious and beautiful star sign. Offering lashings of strength and inner force, the Tiger Eye birthstone perfectly suits Leo’s own inherent attributes of power. This stone radiates self-confidence yet also brings in the purging of toxic energies and poor thought patterns that sometimes leads to that legendary competitive edge. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance de Tigers Eye.


Red Jasper Stone

Bright, riche, and ready to sort out those basic chakras so you feel comfortable and grounded in the world, there are a thousand reasons Leo’s should fall in love with Red Jasper. For individuals who feel like their confidence may be in a slump, this dazzling flaming stone keeps you ignited. Red Jasper is also completely about protection too meaning that Leo’s are better suited to deal with criticism that might come their way without sinking into a hole of profound depression. Find out more about the significance of Red Jasper.



Amber is a golden fire for your solar plexus chakra, ever ready to put fiery Leo’s back in the driving seat of their own self-control. Amber is all about purifying the mind, corps, and soul and making sure that knowledge and balance are part of the celebration. Although Leo’s sometimes have that somewhat wilder edge, Amber is here to keep the sun heated spirit making decisions that keep them healthy, happy, and in tune with their genuine and authentic self.



Vibrant and lively, the Citrine stone is sheer sunlight. For those Leo’s who share that love of warmth and sunlight (they are born summer children after all), is no wonder that the bright colours of golden Citrine lends its magnificent glow to the celebration. This brilliant jewel is all about the power of positive, the rapidity of laughing, and saying yes to that youthful delight. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance de la citrine.


Aventurine Stone

Amazing Aventurine is another gemstone that fits Leo like a glove. As we know, Leo’s can sometimes take nice counsel a bit personally which can lead to rifts in their relationships. Aventurine works with Leo to build them up to a level of inner strength, so they are better prepared to stop those negative ideas circulating and instead hone their energy to something that provides them joy instead. En savoir plus sur la signification de l'Aventurine.


Blue Topaz Stone

A symbol of opportunity, Blue Topaz is a terrific stone for all those Leo’s who desire to bring more luck into their life. As a stone to help refine your attention, Blue Topaz is all about developing your goals and ambitions into a position of action so you may live the life you have been craving. For Leo’s this also means understanding how to interact with others near by, especially when it comes to emotional balance and not feeling threatened while opening the heart. Apprenez-en davantage sur la signification de la topaze bleue.



Another of the fiery red stones, Garnet is aglow with passion, force, and the right capacity to keep you grounded. For those Leo’s who sometimes feel on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster from time to time, Garnet provides its calming energy to help smooth out the kinks and puts you back in experiencing the full force of your own chi. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance du grenat.



The August stone shares its month with all those summer-ready Leo’s out there. The Sardonyx is delicate and steady with its lovely stripes of orange and white. It is a stone of communication, écoute, and wonderful charisma. Sardonyx is a joyful go lucky and optimistic stone which suits the temperament of most Leo’s. It can also serve to deliver strength and protection whether your emotions are soaring high or swinging low.


Labradorite Stone

Labradorite is an excellent partner for those Leo’s wishing to turn up the volume on their third eye chakra. A stone of breathtaking light and lyrical mysticism, Labradorite is all about change and bravery. Bien sûr, Leo’s are one of the most brave zodiacs out there but they may often struggle to convert their energy from external fields to interior thoughts. Labradorite allows Leo’s to obtain a bit deeper insight and to utilize their confidence to focus on the power of their intuition. Find out more about the meaning of Labradorite.

Rose Quartz/Rhodochrosite

Rose Quartz Stone

Awaken your heart chakra and bring the healing quality of Rose Quartz directly into your life. Leo’s are huge lovers with a gloriously giving nature and of course, the pale pink stones like Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite absolutely dig this atmosphere. While the pink heart gemstones will increase that sense of giving it also enables Leo’s to work on their trust difficulties and to embrace a touch more compassion. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance du Quartz Rose.

Comment utiliser les pierres

Bring the enchantment of Leo ready diamonds into your life. Whether you select lovely birthstone jewelry to accompany you throughout life or if you chose worry stones, spheres, pyramids, and little healing amulets to place in your pocket and house, the purpose is to channel the healing energy from these elemental crystals.

One of the finest ways to evoke the power of Leo birthstones is by becoming a wearer of gemstone jewelry. Wearing birthstone jewelry is the greatest method to make the most of the healing crystals as you can absorb up all the advantages of direct skin contact. Having the healing stones put directly on the skin allows their unique vibrations to get to work, providing healing and chakra cleaning exactly where it is required without any barriers in place. Wearing gemstone jewelry also assures you carry and materialize your objectives with you every second of the day.

For those Leo’s who wish to use their zodiac stones for grounding and root chakra healing, lie on your back and place the stone on the chakra space as you focus on connecting with the earth.

Comment nettoyer les pierres et les bijoux

Keep your gemstones washed and charged to maximize their radiant healing energy. The sign of Leo is powerful and bold and your stones need to be in good form to meet that brilliant and unlimited energy. From smudging with sage to going underwater for a few seconds, cleansing gemstones is easy and should be done after particularly intense and stressful emotional days or every few weeks. To charge these stones straight back up simply leave in the company of other tumbling quartz stones or leave in sunshine or moonlight depending on the stone’s energy.

Final thoughts on Leo Birthstones

Leo’s brave and gorgeous and approaches life with a generous and huge heart. There is so much beauty and vitality to savor from being in the company of somebody born under the Leo light. Vivacious lovers of the good life, you constantly find a Leo surrounded by people who simply appreciate the natural enthusiastic benevolence of this distinctive sign. The stones picked also have huge vitality and a special brilliance which is why they make such a fantastic fit for an attractive Leo’s. Certain stones in the combination will also provide a kind hand to mending the more sensitive side of Leo’s qualities such as the urge to lead and the need for others’ acceptation. With the proper stone, you might discover that genuine approval comes from inside.

Have you known any Leos that are like this? Does this Leo description ring true to you? Partagez vos avis dans les commentaires.

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