Cristalli per

8 I migliori cristalli per il dolore & Come usarli per curare la tua anima dopo una perdita

Il dolore potrebbe sembrare travolgente e infinito, ma affrontare la perdita non è mai semplice. We have all been dealing with some form of loss over the past year, whether it was the passing of a loved one, the failure of a goal or employment, or even the waning of the lives we were leading. We rarely come out of this war the same way we entered because loss and grief take many different shapes. Grief is a chaotic emotion with no clear path through it. Even though it could seem like the agony is too great to bear, there are little things you can do to help shift or lessen the overwhelming energy that comes with losing someone you love.

Although crystals cannot make the pain go away, they can offer a gentle source of solace and healing vibrations to support you during this difficult time. All gemstones will be working toward the same objective, which is to assist you in dealing with the loss and entering quiet acceptance. Various gemstones have varying qualities; some can bring delicate compassion, others inner strength. Others claim that although you eventually learn to control your grief, you never truly get over it. We hope that these gemstones for mourning might help you find some solace.

What Are the Stages of Grief?

ladder up a tree and pink sky at the end of a road

ladder climbing a tree with a pink sky near a road’s end
The major issues of loss and grieving are frequently addressed in stages. Although it may sound cliché, time is a great healer, so going through the stages will require patience as you work through all of your feelings. As already mentioned, sadness isn’t just for people who die physically; it may also be caused by spiritual loss, emotional loss, or even a shift in circumstances. While the five phases of mourning are outlined below, keep in mind that they are not linear and that complicated emotions rarely come in tidy packages. Be brave, be persistent, and don’t forget to breathe deeply.

Stage 1: Denial

Even when expected, the initial phase of loss may initially be too much to handle. Invece, we can resort to denial, a popular coping strategy that keeps us numb while we think things through at our own pace.

Stage 2: Anger

Getting out of denial might cause those excruciating, overwhelming feelings to manifest as fury. This rage, which is a strong, wild emotion and a component of the masked process, might be directed towards the loss or anything in your path.

Stage 3: Bargaining

At the negotiation stage, delicacy and powerlessness can creep in, causing you to scrutinize every small detail and posit hypothetical scenarios. You can make an effort to stay stuck in the past, attempting to influence a different result, and considering all the potential outcomes.

Stage 4: Depression

That deluge of emotion can leave us feeling entirely baffled and confused or completely exhausted as we go into the current situation. You can fully withdraw and wonder how your life would change now.

Stage 5: Acceptance

This challenging and occasionally life-changing path doesn’t always conclude with acceptance. Even when you have come to terms with the loss in your life, you may still veer off into the other stages. Even acceptance doesn’t necessarily lead to success. Ma, there may be some light at the end of the gloomy tunnel. It indicates that there is hope or a way forward and that you are in the process of processing.

8 Powerful Crystals That Help with Grief and Loss

Huge energy and intense hues of joy have their time and place, but for people who are coping with multiple layers of sadness, crystal energy that promotes gradual healing, balances those intense emotions, and gives you a sense of security and care is what you need. The crystals we chose will keep you rooted, as even as you can be, as well-rested as you can be, and will offer a gleam of light that won’t go out.

Corniola for balancing big energy.

Quarzo rosa for self-compassion.

Rodonite for gentle acceptance.

Pietra di luna for coping with cycles of change.

Pirite for adrenal burnout protection.

Ametista for a natural tranquilizer.

Quarzo fumé for staying grounded.

Lepidolite for releasing suffering.



Carnelian can be a great healing stone for people going through the grieving process, even though its dazzling glow might not seem fitting for the ominous cloud looming over your head. Carnelian is a warm, comforting flame that can drive the demons away. This stone is very skilled at assisting with energy balancing and gives us a sense of being supported, safe, and strong enough to take the load. It is a stone that communicates with the spiritual realm as well, so when we share it with our ancestors, those overall feelings of loss and dread might not feel as heavy. Scopri di più su cosa significa corniola.

Quarzo rosa

rose quartz

Quarzo rosa, which has soothing pink hues, is one of the most mild heart chakra healers you can find. Quarzo rosa, an exceptionally loving stone with high vibrations, fosters sentiments of tranquility and compassion. When going through the phases of grieving, it might be comforting to have Rose Quartz around. While you are bargaining, when shame and self-blame might fill your soul, it can be especially beneficial. Rose quartz gently reminds you to treat yourself well in this situation. Scopri di più su cosa significa quarzo rosa.


rhodonite stone

Rhodonite is a gentle pink heart stone that, like the rose after which it gets its name, can assist you in processing shock and terror without flinging yourself about aimlessly. Rhodonite is a powerful self-love stone that is great for assisting with wound healing. Instead of just masking the hurt, it walks you through the process of purging your emotions and igniting the love you need to get through this. Rhodonite gradually assists you in letting go of negative emotions and transitioning to a state of calm acceptance. Learn more about what Rhodonite means.

Pietra di luna


Pietra di luna, a pearly-pale stone that shines in the dark, is a wonderful gem to have nearby as you go through the phases of grief. Moonstone is a powerful reminder that emotions, time, and the tides that pull may all work in cycles, just like the lovely sparkling orb that surrounds us in luminous energy every night. It is also a stone of fresh starts, which can occasionally be the light we need to break through a dark spell. Moonstone is beneficial for all stages of grieving, but it can be especially effective for getting you through depression’s numbness and for taming your wrath. Scopri di più sul significato della pietra di luna.



Managing adrenal fatigue is crucial during the grieving process. It’s quite simple for overwhelm to come in as all those intense emotions are brought up, and this can result in increased anxiety, which may then result in adrenal burnout. It can be beneficial to have nearby Pyrite’s fiery energy. This fool’s gold nugget can absorb surplus energy and link with your solar plexus to create equilibrium and relief, which in turn promote emotional recovery. Scopri di più su cosa significa pirite.



Amethyst is a naturally occurring sedative that can calm the mind, calm the body, and soften the soul. It is eternally spiritual and serene. This mental stone can anchor you in your core during those times when you feel entirely out of control or lost in the maze of emotions. When emotions are too intense to handle, amethyst is the ultimate emotional soother. It can ease anxiety, calm down raging emotions, and help you fall asleep at night. Scopri di più su cosa significa l'ametista.

Quarzo fumé

smoky quartz

Those who are mourning or coping with loss may frequently feel as though they are flying free and being carried by a powerful wind. Smoky Quartz can be useful here. Even when your emotions are trying to sweep you off your feet, Smoky Quartz can help you feel rooted and stable due to its potent grounding characteristics. Knowing that this quartz can act as an anchor and aid in your emotional processing might be consoling. Smoky Quartz provides its insight and encourages healthy action along the path, from the initial anger that erupts to the deep breath of acceptance. Smoky Quartz is helpful in converting negative energy into positive energy, which makes it a good antidepressant. Scopri di più sul significato del quarzo fumé.



Lepidolite, which is also referred to as a stone of transition, is a lullaby with its soft purple and pink tones and its lithium-rich vitality. Lepidolite’s relaxing effect can provide you with relief if you frequently feel like you are kicking underwater. Lepidolite gently urges you to perform the work you must do when moving through grief, going beyond simply calming the senses. During this protracted and difficult trip, it urges you to let go of trauma and suffering and to advance toward a location of deeper healing. Learn more about what Lepidolite means.

How to Use These Gemstones to Cope With Grief and Loss

rose bud opening

There are no shortcuts to getting through the grieving process; you must take the time that is necessary for you and you alone. Ancora, help is still available, whether it be through talking to someone, exercising patience and self-care, or engaging in calm meditation with these healing gemstones. Here are some suggestions to assist you in forging a bond with these stones and bringing about healing:

  • The feel of a gemstone against your skin can be soothing if you wear jewelry made of them. Anche, this will directly transmit healing vibrations to the heart or any other chakra that is in need of assistance.
  • Put one of the calming gemstones under your pillow to promote restful sleep and provide relief from restless nights and unpleasant emotions.
  • Every time you experience an emotional wave, hold a worry stone in your hand and let the crystal to re-center you.
  • Use the crystal to aid your meditation or to repair any chakras that require it. Those who experience heartbreak, ad esempio, can place a crystal of unwavering love on their heart chakra region. One of these excellent crystals can be placed on the forehead to open the third eye for those who need to use their intuition to go through this.

Apache Tears, Ossidiana, Acquamarina, Calcite, Agata, Crisocolla, Lapislazzuli, Malachite, Angelita, Rodocrosite, and Tourmaline are more healing crystals that can be beneficial during difficult times.

Un pensiero finale

Mourning can seem to last forever, and when things get tough, we truly need to dig deep inside for some kindness and strength. These open wounds will eventually start to close, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find some tenderness along the way. Along the path of these trying times, we hope that these crystals can help you find solace and loving energy that keeps you afloat and connected to a promise of the return of some sort of inner peace.

We would be very interested in hearing from you if you feel moved to share your experiences or your go-to crystal.

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