Significato del cristallo

Significato della labradorite: Tutte le proprietà curative & Usi che DEVI conoscere

Cos'è la Labradorite?

La labradorite è un minerale feldspato. Ha una labradorescenza che è il significato del suo nome. I cristalli si trovano comunemente in forme sottili e tabulari con tonalità che vanno dal viola al grigio-blu, verde, giallo, e marrone. Il minerale ha una lucentezza perlacea e alcuni esemplari hanno un aspetto schiller. La labradorite offre forza e misticismo.

Dai un'occhiata alla nostra importante guida alle pietre preziose curative e seleziona un cristallo che ti cattura.

La pietra del misticismo

    • Per creatività e consapevolezza
    • Collegamenti a favole Inuit e pratica sciamanica
    • Trovato in Canada, Finlandia, e Russia

    Collegato alle scintillanti luci dorate e verdi dell'aurora boreale, la pietra Labradorite è magica come indicano i suoi colori cangianti iridescenti. Formed from the storms of the Northern Lights and located in Canada’s Labrador region, the healing powers of this healing stone are all about tapping into your own magnificent source of creativity and connecting with the higher consciousness. A profusion of blues, verdi, flaming golds, and smokey patterns can be seen shimmering on the surface of Labradorite. It’s a reminder that the greatest healing stones are often related with all the elements — the ground beneath your feet, the rushing ocean and stretched out sky, and the stars overhead.

    Labradorite has a vast and extensive history and because to its rich shamanic vibrations its stories are associated with tales from the Inuit people. The mythology claims that once upon a time, an Inuit warrior witnessed that the Aurora had become trapped in a chunk of stone. He took his spear and struck the rock to help let the light free. Moravian missionaries visited to this remote Canadian wilderness back in the 18th century and became so enamored with the mysterious stones that they transported them back to Europe.

    A little additional discovery demonstrates that it’s not just Canada that cleaves Labrador from the earth, but also the winter winds of Finland and the former Tsar kingdoms of Russia. In Finland, they termed this stone the Spectrolite as it seemed to capture every shade in the complete spectrum of reality. Whatever the name, this stone has long been connected with the notions of art and enchantment. È per le persone che desiderano abbracciare i misteri dell'universo, il tutto dando un senso al proprio spazio personale. Andiamo un po' più a fondo nei veri desideri della Labradorite...

    (Se la Labradorite non ti commuove, consulta la nostra guida ai cristalli più cruciali qui e scegline uno che si connetta al tuo luogo del cuore).

    Proprietà curative della labradorite

    the northern lights above snowy mountains

    Proprio come l'aurora boreale che abbaglia i cieli invernali del rigido nord, La labradorite non rifugge dalla bellezza, adornare, misticismo, e straordinarie proprietà curative. Mentre a volte il mondo può prosciugarci della nostra energia tanto necessaria e delle nostre preziose risorse, Labradorite teaches us how to bring life-giving energy to all regions of our souls – from the body to the mind and those deep hard to reach corners which keep us all in balance. It’s a stone that shows the road to self-soothing, ambizione artistica, cosmic energy, and strengthening our own mental clarity. Take a look at all the ways in which Labradorite is regarded to be the Stone of Transformation.

    Proprietà curative fisiche

    • Good for the respiratory system
    • Helps with healthy digestion
    • Cancella l'ansia

    Labradorite may be considered a stone-filled to the brim with mystical energy, but it’s also an excellent stone for grounding in when it comes to physical healing. One of the locations where Labradorite shines as a healing crystal is when it comes to the respiratory system. Dalla circolazione sanguigna alla respirazione e alla potenza dei polmoni, questa pietra ha lo scopo di aumentare la salute e il benessere generale, chiedendoti di fare facilmente un respiro profondo mentre dici sì all'universo. Chiunque soffra di bronchite e altre difficoltà respiratorie può trovare utili le mani curative della Labradorite nel percorso verso il benessere.

    La labradorite può prestare particolare attenzione ai polmoni ma non finisce qui. Aiuta anche con una buona digestione, controlla e mantiene il tuo metabolismo funzionante senza intoppi. Per le persone che soffrono dei sintomi della sindrome premestruale e dei periodi dolorosi, questa pietra delicata può anche aiutare a mantenere il disagio e la tensione in basso. Aiuta anche a riparare i reumatismi e ad eliminare i disturbi prodotti dalla gotta.

    Infatti, any form of tension and anxiety can be carried away by the luxuriant characteristics of Labradorite. It’s a stone that is known to increase mental clarity, helping you to chase away the fog and stay level and concise in your own thoughts. Exactly the recipe you need to make excellent selections.

    Mentale & Proprietà curative emotive

    • Helps ignite the imagination
    • Clams the monkey mind
    • Stabilizes moods

    The Stone of Change and the Stone of Courage, if those two things call to you then Labradorite may be the healing stone you have been waiting for. Far than just a lovely face, Labradorite with its light shot color patterns seems to communicate strong healing. Mentally, Labradorite is the stone you want on your side. Innanzitutto, it soothes the monkey mind and stops your ideas from swinging branch to branch. That’s not to imply that Labradorite quashes the mind, Infatti, it does the reverse. Whether you are caught in a rut or desire a spark in your mind, the iridescent cosmic swirls of Labradorite are sure to get your inventive energy soaring.

    How does it do that? In a million and one ways, but one of the stones best skills is helping to replenish energy after a drain. It can be easy to feel bogged down by the routines of everyday life, other peoples dramas and uncertainly about the self and the future. Labradorite clears out all that rubbish, rejuvenating the spirit with a bright burst of vitality and keeps you humming rather than being dragged down by events of the world and personal duties. If you ever needed a hint of motivation to rise to the task, Labradorite is ever ready to be your personal mascot.

    Individuals who do deal with depression can find that Labradorite doesn’t shy away from wiping up negative emotions. It’s a terrific stabilizing stone because to its devotion to keep you linked with the earth beneath your feet, no matter how high it asks your imagination to reach. Taking its lead from the milky moonlight and the swirl of stars, it’s all about providing patterns and routes of illumination. If you have deeply buried memories that need to be brought to light to assist you differentiate lessons needed, Labradorite won’t shy away from letting you know. This doesn’t mean that it overwhelms you by trying to dig out all that should stay buried, ma che puoi fare affidamento sulla sua forza e potenza intuitive per far emergere il meglio di te quando sei totalmente e con tutto il cuore pronto e impaziente di andare.

    Proprietà metafisiche

    • Collegato al chakra della gola
    • Collegato al chakra del terzo occhio

    Collegato al Chakra della Gola – lo strumento di comunicazione, e il Chakra del Terzo Occhio – quello che ci collega al mondo spirituale, La labradorite si trova a cavallo di quella linea tra ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno qui sulla terra e ciò che può permetterci di saltare più in alto.

    Il Chakra della Gola ci aiuta a dire la nostra verità e a rimanere radicati nella sincerità. Ci ricorda il potere di usare le nostre voci, di trasmettere i nostri bisogni con chiarezza e di responsabilizzare noi stessi nel mondo. Quando abbiamo un blocco del Chakra della Gola, potremmo avere difficoltà a sentirci ascoltati o compresi, our connections with others can become strained and we lack the confidence to express what needs to be heard for our own good.

    The Third Eye Chakra aligns us to our larger purpose and helps us to see deeper, both externally and inside. As we tap into that chakra, we are able to navigate through the world more consciously and to let go of old concepts that don’t support us any more in favor of following new and exciting paths that are more connected with our actual endless purpose. This is why Labradorite is constantly associated with shamanism, misticismo, and magic. Its long been a tool that healers have resorted to, and many are captivated to its heavenly atmosphere and capacity to tap into those distinct levels of consciousness. Psychic powers have also been linked to Labradorite gemstones.

    Pietra portafortuna dello zodiaco

    someone holding a labradorite stone
    • Linked to Libra
    • Good for Pisces

    The beautiful Feldspar mineral of Labradorite is related to the birth months of February and March, a season when the Aurora Borealis can be observed conducting its captivating dance in the heavens above pristine winter sceneries. This would make Labradorite tied to the Pisces zodiac yet there are varying beliefs that possibly Labradorite is meant to help those who share the Leo or Libra birth sign.

    Pisces, are known for their mysterious personalities therefore this does match up with the attributes that Labradorite brings to the table. The water signs prefer to take a deep look at their feelings and because of this, they can occasionally need a stone that will balance them out so they don’t get too lost exploring deep inside. They are exceedingly emphatic, a little bit wild, impressionable, and romantic. People may hold on to memories and stories that no longer deliver the lessons of joy, and Labradorite can be a terrific stone at bringing that gentle nudge towards learning to let things go. They love to be a little bit witchy, to jot down all their rambling, uncommon and artistic expressions, and to dance beneath the sky with their hands in the air.

    Labradorite undoubtedly feels like a fantastic suit to this wild and free-flowing water sign. Pisces are delicate yet sturdy creatures, they require that nurturing encouragement to be beautiful, be free and continue to be fantastic, ma hanno anche bisogno di legarsi alla terra e di tenersi a freno quando la loro mente inizia ad arrampicarsi sulle rocce. Sempre pronto a calmare la comunicazione, bilanciarti, e fornire un focus preciso a quella natura artistica, Labradorite è il tuo prossimo migliore amico lussureggiante.

    Utilizzando Labradorite

    Labradorite Ring

    Scopri la nostra guarigioneBracciale labradorite

    • Indossalo per mantenere l'equilibrio, armonia e guarigione dei chakra
    • Luogo in casa per l'ispirazione e l'energia dell'acqua

    Dall'integrarlo nel tuo abbigliamento normale attraverso l'uso elegante di braccialetti con pietre preziose fino a posizionarlo in un angolo della tua casa, ci sono molti modi per introdurre la Labradorite nella tua vita. Le persone che scelgono la Labradorite come parte della loro vita quotidiana scopriranno che potrebbero sentirsi più luminosi, più leggero nel corpo e nella mente, e meno trattenuto da cattive energie. Ecco i metodi principali con cui puoi portare la Labradorite nella tua vita.

    Casa & Ufficio

    Come un diamante splendente per il Feng Shui, La labradorite può portare tutta quella bella energia dell'acqua che scorre nella tua casa. Spesso definita labradorescenza o adularescenza grazie all'illusione ottica della luce catturata sotto la superficie della pietra. Metterlo in casa promuove la pace , libertà tranquilla e creativa nel luogo. È una pietra fantastica da mettere nel tuo laboratorio, studio o nella stanza degli scrittori se desideri un miracoloso lampo di ispirazione. La labradorite funzionerà anche in qualsiasi ambiente in cui è necessario essere al massimo della chiarezza nella comunicazione e in cui è necessario pensare e fornire la propria verità e chiarezza., per questo funziona anche in uno spazio ufficio.


    For many generations Labradorite has been a favourite stone to use in jewelry. There’s something sublimely eye-catching about the way it glitters when it catches the light – almost like wearing a piece of the universe strung across your wrist or placed against the beating heart. Using Labradorite in jewelry is one of the finest ways to make the most of its robust and powerful healing powers. Immediate skin contact guarantees that it connects to the vibrations of your body and can get to work on creating balance, armonia, and better artistic integrity across all channels. It’s sparkling golds, purples, verdi, and blues seem to dance like the cosmos making it a great choice for individuals who want to mix it with a flexible and colorful wardrobe. It can be donned for special events since it is so magically eye-catching, but it can also be used as a daily dream catcher for keeping you at the very best of your balance.

    Labradorite bracelets are a great choice since it invites the stone to beat close to your pulse. Labradorite rings are another great choice for folks who prefer a delicate stone set upon their finger. When you combine the Labradorite gemstone with precious metals like silver, gold or even rose gold you may also make the most of those therapeutic impulses. Silver is known for encouraging healing of the skin, gold has a balancing influence on the body, mente, e anima, and rose gold can elegantly benefit the neurological system.

    If you want to ramp up the healing vibes, you can match your Labradorite bracelet or Labradorite ring with other divine healing stones. The ones that function well with Labradorite are Fluorite with its capacity to help us harness the powers of focus and improve our equilibrium both mentally and physically. Rainbow Moonstone is another stone that Labradorite prefers to hang with. Rainbow Moonstone is a piece of magic that runs with themes of bright visions and putting a light on those hard to notice locations. It helps to enhance psychic connections and to improve our intuition, which again – feeds into those life lessons of wanting to bring our authenticity, verità, and sense of purpose shimmering to the surface. Sunstone and Obsidian also make very great partners for Labradorite.

    Amethyst is another fantastic stone to add to the party when it comes to wearing Labradorite. Not only will the soft lavender hues and blue Labradorite shades work wonders together when it comes to making a visual impression, but they are also both stones that keep the Third Eye chakra open and ever ready to receive, not to mention working their magic when it comes to keeping mental energies soft and supple and ever serene rather than being soaked in anxiety and stress.

    How to Cleanse your Labradorite Stone

    labradorite pendant on shell
    • Pulisci con acqua
    • Charge by moonlight

    It’s crucial to keep your Labradorite gemstone cleansed and pure so it can emit the highest amounts of energy it has to contribute. All gemstones benefit from being routinely cleansed and charged, as they perform a lot of work in mopping up unwanted sentiments and eliminating negative energies. As a water stone, Labradorite doesn’t shy away from the touch of water and this is one of the simplest and best ways to maintain it clean. Simply hold your Labradorite underwater and if needed, use a little soap to cleanse it properly as long as you rinse it well. This will clear your stone of all the collected bad energy and keep it bright and ready for crystal healing. It’s a tough stone meaning that it won’t suffer and chip like other of the more brittle gemstones. It is worth noting, that the smooth surface of the Labradorite gemstone might make it more prone to scratches and also implies that it can acquire dust. Questo è il motivo per cui un lavaggio moderato può mantenere la tua pietra in perfetta forma.

    Se vuoi ricaricare la tua pietra Labradorite, è preferibile lasciarlo in una fetta di chiaro di luna per 24 ore. La labradorite ama essere tutt'uno con gli elementi, e in particolare, considera la luce lunare una fonte affidabile di magnifica vitalità. La labradorite si ricaricherà anche al sole, ma poiché la luminosità del sole può far sbiadire la colorazione delle pietre, è preferibile attendere il velo della notte per potenziare la sua vitalità spirituale.

    Proprietà geologiche

    Classificazione chimicaMinerale di feldspato plagioclasio
    Formula chimica(Circa,Già)(Al,E)4O8
    Sistema cristallinoTriclinico
    ColoreGrigio, blu, verde, giallo, arancia, rosso, bianco, nero
    LustroDa vitreo a perlaceo
    TrasparenzaDa traslucido a opaco
    EventoTrovato in rocce ignee e metamorfiche in tutto il mondo
    FormazioneSi forma durante la cristallizzazione del magma e nel metamorfismo delle rocce esistenti
    DiafanitàDa traslucido a opaco
    ScollaturaDue direzioni di scollatura perfetta quasi ad angolo retto tra loro
    Durezza di Mohs6 – 6.5
    Peso specifico2.68 – 2.72
    Proprietà diagnosticheLabradorescenza (giochi di colori cangianti), gemellaggio, e caratteristico abito cristallino
    Composizione chimica(Circa,Già)(Al,E)4O8
    Sistema CristallinoTriclinico
    Proprietà otticheBiassiale (-)
    Indice di rifrazionena = 1.559 – 1.568, nβ = 1.563 – 1.573, nγ = 1.568 – 1.578
    Birifrangenzad = 0.009 – 0.010
    2Angolo VMisurato: 84° a 155°
    Altre caratteristicheLa labradorite è il feldspato più comune nella serie dei plagioclasi, ed è spesso usato come pietra decorativa in gioielleria e oggetti ornamentali. È anche un costituente importante di molte rocce ignee e metamorfiche.

    Considerazioni finali sulla labradorite

    Labradorite is a wonderful stone to bring into your life especially if you are someone who will benefit from cracking open the throat chakra for improved communication, expanding your heart chakra and tapping into those psychic talents of the third eye. Even if you are just seeking for a lovely stone that gets your creative juices going, Labradorite is ever ready to be your muse.

    Tapping into our inner magic sometimes requires a little nudge from the outer world and this is exactly what Labradorite seeks for you. One peek at its Aurora Borealis brilliance and the captivating color schemes whirling beneath the surface of this Stone of Magic and you will be enchanted. Good health, creative prosperity and spiritual progress are all waiting for you when you turn to the poetic lore of the Labradorite crystal.

    Labradorite FAQs

    What does Labradorite do?

    Labradorite is a mystical gemstone known to increase mental clarity and bring about transformation. It’s a crystal associated to the third eye chakra which is our gateway to inner wisdom and deeper intuition. Labradorite is also fantastic at helping to improve psychic capacities and can boost creativity along with faith in the self and the cosmos.

    What is Labradorite useful for?

    Labradorite is a fantastic stone for being clear in your thoughts and enabling you to connect to your own inner sense of knowledge. While it is a stone that surely urges you to put your confidence in the universe, it also invites you to put your faith in yourself and your own judgment. It clears blockages from the third eye chakra and the throat chakra.

    Can Labradorite get wet?

    Infatti, Labradorite is a gemstone that can become wet. As Labradorite scores between a 6 and a 6.5 sulla scala di durezza di Mohs, it means that water won’t cause any major damage to this crystal. Ma, like with any precious gems and stones, we don’t advocate soaking your Labradorite for a lengthy period of time since this may lead to degeneration of your crystal.

    Cos'è la Labradorite?

    Labradorite is a feldspar mineral and is thought to be a highly intuitive and mystical gemstone. It is a gemstone with labradorescencewhich gives it its wonderful name. This stone flashes with tones of blue, grigio, and green. It is known to be a stone that connects with the neck and the third eye chakra and helps the intellect achieve clarity and creativity.

    Where is Labradorite found?

    Labradorite can be found across the world but it was first discovered in the distant Canadian wilderness back in the 18th century. Since then it has also been found in Norway, Finlandia, Gli stati uniti, e Russia.

    How to remove Labradorite?

    Having Labradorite cleansed is crucial to ensure that it can work at the top of its game without being obstructed or packed with stagnant energy. Considering it’s a 6 A 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale you can clean your Labradorite by running it under water for a rapid discharge. You can also leave it in moonlight, utilize smudging techniques, or leave it in the presence of purifying stones like Clear Quartz and Selenite.

    Can Labradorite be in the sun?

    When Labradorite catches the sunlight it glints with iridescent colours of green, blu, and gold making it a great gemstone to wear outside. Being in the sunlight shouldn’t negatively damage your Labradorite gem but we don’t encourage you to leave it in the sunlight for extended periods of time since repeated exposure may limit the bright and vivid lifespan of your stone.

    How to recognize fake Labradorite?

    A real Labradorite should have some aspect of iridescence to it. At one angle it may look flat or gray but by turning it in the light, you may see different color variations seep through. If the gemstone doesn’t alter in shade or have any change of hue, this could be an indication that it’s not a real Labradorite.

    What chakra is Labradorite?

    Labradorite is associated to the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. It is a stone that is associated to profound communication, devotion to clarity, and calling on your wisdom and intuition. When our throat chakra is open we can articulate our needs and connect truthfully with the world around us. When our third eye is open, we can learn to have faith in our own judgment.

    How to charge Labradorite?

    Charging your Labradorite stone will keep it working at the peak of its energy game. You can charge Labradorite by leaving it in moonlight as it reacts very well to the energy carried by the light of the moon. You may also leave it in the presence of charging gemstones like Selenite and Clear Quartz so they can share their energy.

    Where does Labradorite come from?

    Labradorite comes from several regions across the worldchilly places that are vulnerable to the movement of the Northern Lights. You can locate Labradorite in Canada, Russia, Finlandia, Norvegia, e gli Stati Uniti.

    How to use Labradorite?

    There are various ways to use Labradoriteyou can wear it as jewelry against the skin to guarantee you keep connected to that sense of deep inner understanding. You can apply it on the throat chakra area or on the third eye chakra zone to cleanse and eliminate any blockages. You can welcome it into the home to bring themes of serenity and creativity into your surroundings. You may also utilize it in meditation and reiki healing too.

    What color is Labradorite?

    Labradorite shines with tones of gray, verde, blu, oro, and even contributes hits of red to the party at times. It is a gemstone that is known for its iridescent appeal and contains labradorescence (thus the name) which means it changes color based on light and movement of the stone.

    How to pronounce Labradorite?

    The right way to pronounce Labradorite is la-bruh-daw-rite.

    What does Labradorite look like?

    Labradorite is a gorgeous gemstone that gives a wide spectrum of colors. At first glance it can look gray or colorless or even dark blue but as the light touches it brings out a complete palette of huesfrom blue to gold, silver and red. It has a glossy sheen to it.

    How to polish Labradorite?

    Polishing Labradorite will bring out its lovely brilliant color scheme and its melody of labradorescence. You can polish Labradorite with a rock tumbler or you can use sandpaper with a grit of 50 to begin with before working your way up to finer sandpaper kinds (from150 to 300 and finally 600). (from150 to 300 and finally 600). Prossimo, use a soft cloth and specific gem cleaning powder to buff the stone and bring out that pearly sheen.

    Is Labradorite moonstone?

    NO, Labradorite and Moonstone are two separate kinds of gemstones although they are sister stones. Both are from the feldspar family but Moonstone comes from the orthoclase range which gives it a less intensive refractive index. Moonstone is also about connecting to the divine feminine and operates across the chakras whereas Labradorite is concentrated upon intuition, trasformazione e chakra della gola e del terzo occhio.

    In cosa aiuta la Labradorite?

    La labradorite aiuta con un'ampia varietà di cose poiché è una potente pietra preziosa curativa. A livello fisico può apportare benefici al sistema respiratorio e possibilmente aiutare anche in caso di sindrome premestruale e dolori mestruali. Emotivamente è considerata la pietra della trasformazione e del coraggio poiché elimina ogni spazzatura mentale che ti trattiene. Spiritualmente si collega sia al chakra della gola che al chakra del terzo occhio, garantendo che le tue parole suonino vere dal cuore e che tu possa imparare a fidarti della tua saggezza.

    Qual è la tonalità della Labradorite?

    A prima vista la labradorite può sembrare una pietra incolore o di colore grigiastro, eppure nella luce le sue altre tonalità possono danzare e risplendere. Dal blu al verde fino all'oro e al rosso, the phenomenon is known as labradorescence. The magical gemstone seems to change color depending on how the light hits itthis is one of the reasons why Labradorite is so adored and admired.

    What is the difference between Labradorite and spectrolite?

    Spectrolite is a particular form of Labradorite that is found solely in Finland. Owing to its rarity, it is categorised as a semi-precious gema designation that Labradorite itself doesn’t hold. Spectrolite has a deep dark black base and shows up a wide spectrum of rainbow colors. Labradorite prefers to showcase colors that are green, blu, and silvery gray rather than the whole spectrum of tones.

    What does Labradorite do spiritually?

    Labradorite has great spiritual abilities. Questa gemma è profondamente connessa al mistico ed è nota anche per aiutare ad aumentare i tuoi poteri psichici e ad approfondire la tua intuizione. Essendo una pietra bluastra che lampeggia con toni di verde, viola, e oro – è anche una pietra preziosa associata ai chakra del terzo occhio e della gola. Rilasciando i blocchi da questi chakra, La labradorite può aiutarti a garantire che la tua voce rimanga onesta e che tu ti connetta autenticamente con il mondo che ti circonda e con il tuo vero sé.

    La Labradorite è una pietra portafortuna?

    La labradorite è considerata una pietra portafortuna alternativa ed è associata ai mesi di febbraio e marzo. Può attraversare ed essere una pietra preziosa adatta per i Pesci, Leo, e anche la Bilancia. Labradorite is an excellent gem to have shortly before the advent of spring as it reminds us of the necessity of metamorphosis and letting things pass.

    Is Labradorite man made?

    NO, Labradorite is a natural feldspar mineral. It’s generated (like many jewels) when heat and pressure meet. It is commonly found in volcanic rocks and brings with it plenty of play on color and a whole host of healing effects. It is found in Finland, Canada, Gli stati uniti, and Russia among other areas.

    What are the therapeutic powers of Labradorite?

    Labradorite has various therapeutic benefits. It is a deeply insightful and intuitive stone that enables you to get back in touch with your own wisdom. It clears obstructions in the throat chakra and the third eye chakra so you can stand in your truth. Labradorite also helps you to overcome worries and find your courage. It is renowned as the stone of metamorphosis.

    What metaphysical qualities does Labradorite have?

    As a profoundly spiritual and mystical stone, Labradorite is filled with metaphysical characteristics. It is associated to the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. The throat chakra is our tool of communication and how we share our inner reality with the outside world. Our third eye is how we enhance our talents of intuition and connect to our inner wisdom. When both of these chakras are balanced we can move through the world more connected to our higher purpose.

    What is Labradorite worth?

    The cost of Labradorite can vary substantially depending on the quality, taglio, and size of the gemstone in issue. Typically, the more labradorescence the stone has the more sought it will be. Labradorite is relatively inexpensive. For higher grade pieces, you may anticipate to pay upwards of $40 per carat.

    How hard is Labradorite?

    Labradorite is a relatively hard stone. It scores a 6 – 6.5 on the mohs hardness scale. This means that Labradorite won’t be readily scratched or destroyed. Ma, as with all healing crystals, we recommend treating it with care and avoiding knocks, bumps, and extended periods of time in direct sun or water.

    How to activate Labradorite?

    One of the best methods to activate your Labradorite stone is to just keep it close by. Wearing your Labradorite or handling it will help to attune it to you and activate its powers. You can also activate Labradorite by simply establishing an intention. Hold the stone, find a peaceful spot, and state exactly what you want this gem to help you with. Thank your Labradorite and keep it close for the next few days.

    How to care for Labradorite?

    Labradorite is a tough stone that ranks high on the Mohs hardness scale. Even though it can be a tough gemstone, it still needs a little Love to thrive. You may care for your Labradorite gemstone by keeping it washed and charged on a regular basis to unblock any stagnant energy. Wash it by putting it under water, placing it in the light of the moon, or smearing it. You may charge it back up with moonlight and by leaving it in the vicinity of jewels like Clear Quartz and Selenite.

    How to clean Labradorite stone?

    Maintain your Labradorite stone energetically cleansed and in tip top form by running it under water for a rapid discharge. If you want to give it a more targeted clean that doesn’t get it wet, you can smudge it with sage or palo santo to chase out any stagnant energy. You can also set Labradorite in the light of the moon since it connects and reacts strongly to this high tuned energy.

    How to detect Labradorite?

    You can often detect a Labradorite stone because to the way the stone dances with light. This diamond is recognized for its iridescence, which means that although it looks blue or gray on the surface, a shift in angle or light can make it sparkle green and gold.

    What are the metaphysical qualities of Labradorite?

    Intelligent, insightful, e sempre qui per aiutarti ad affrontare le tue preoccupazioni e a crescere oltre i tuoi limiti – La labradorite è una pietra fantastica da avere nella tua vita. È collegato al chakra della gola e al chakra del terzo occhio. Il chakra del terzo occhio è la chiave della nostra più profonda riserva di comprensione interiore. Ci permette di imparare a fidarci del nostro intuito e di vivere secondo il nostro scopo più alto. Il chakra della gola ci aiuta a parlare al mondo.

    Cosa sono i gioielli in labradorite?

    La labradorite è un famoso minerale feldspatico spesso utilizzato in gioielleria. Questo perché la pietra ha una meravigliosa lucentezza perlata e danza con i colori grazie alla labradorescenza che scintilla sotto la superficie. Per la sua bellezza e i suoi magici poteri terapeutici si possono spesso vedere braccialetti di Labradorite, pendenti, orecchini, anelli, and all manner of Labradorite gemstone jewelry.

    Where to find Labradorite in usa?

    Labradorite can be found around the planetfrom Russia to Canada, Scandinavia, e gli Stati Uniti. In the States, you can discover Labradorite gemstone deposits in Utah, Oregon, and California.

    Where to put Labradorite?

    Putting Labradorite on the body can help to keep those healing and harmonious vibrations syncing up and increasing your own. You may also wish to lay Labradorite on the throat chakra to clear any blockages if you are struggling to communicate. You can also place it on the third eye chakra if you want to enhance your intuition and be guided more by your wisdom.

    Can you sleep with Labradorite?

    Puoi dormire con la Labradorite e in effetti può essere una pietra fantastica per aiutarti a ricordare i tuoi sogni e ad approfondire quei pensieri subconsci. Può anche consentire al tuo corpo di resettarsi e di lasciare andare tutto ciò che lo interrompe mentre dormi.

    La Labradorite altera il colore?

    La labradorite sembra cambiare colore poiché è una pietra che mostra labradorescenza. Ciò implica che quando la luce la raggiunge in punti particolari può brillare con uno spettro diverso da quello che appare inizialmente all'occhio. La labradorite può apparire blu o grigia a prima vista, ma alla luce o inclinato può essere anche verde, oro, blu, e possiede anche una lucentezza perlacea nella sua colorazione.

    Come si forma la Labradorite?

    La labradorite tende a formarsi nelle rocce ignee. It is a feldspar mineral which is one of the most abundant minerals found all over the world and is made up of silica and aluminum. It needs heat and pressure to create as this environment melts and mixes diverse minerals. As these minerals cool in the aftermath, they divide into layers with inclusions hidden inside these layersthis is what gives Labradorite its whimsical colors of iridescence.

    How ancient is Labradorite?

    Labradorite was initially discovered back in the late 18th century in Labrador, Canada. It was discovered by a Morovian missionary who was so charmed with the stone that it was transported back to Europe. Ma, there are stories that indicate Labradorite has been present for much longer.

    How uncommon is Labradorite?

    Labradorite is a relatively rare crystal. Si trova comunemente in blocchi e l'individuazione dei singoli cristalli è piuttosto rara. Alcune delle varietà più rare di Labradorite includono quelle che contengono colori rosa o fucsia intrecciati all'interno delle tinte iridescenti. La spettrolite è un tipo di labradorite così rara che viene scoperta solo in Finlandia e vanta uno spettro completo di colori dell'arcobaleno.

    Come pulire i gioielli in Labradorite?

    Mantieni la routine di cura dei tuoi gioielli in Labradorite il più semplice possibile. Usa semplicemente un panno umido per strofinare la tua pietra preziosa e poi segui con un asciugamano asciutto per lucidarla, lucidarla e restituirle il suo splendore naturale.. Dovresti evitare di usare qualsiasi forma di detergente chimico, lavatrici ad ultrasuoni, e immersioni di gioielli sui tuoi gioielli con pietre preziose labradorite.

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