Significado de Cristal

Jade Meaning: Propriedades curativas & Usos diários

What is Jade?

Jade is a silicate material commonly connected with East Asian art. It is part of the Jadeite class of minerals and is part of the monoclinic crystal system. Jade is most widely recognized for its numerous shades of green, but comes in red, branco, marrom, lavanda, roxo, e laranja. Jade’s meaning is confidence, aceitação, and health.

Find Your Abundance

Joyous Jade is one of the most recognized healing gems known for giving lashings of good luck to anyone who wear her. While the world commonly considers of Jade to be connected with Chinese medicine and healing, the roots of this abundantly fortunate stone transcend beyond the bounds of one continent. Jade has been present for hundreds and thousands of years and its imprint on humans may be seen spread over the globe, in numerous tribes, villages, and tributaries that connect the planet. Jade can be traced to China, Rússia, and the USA among other countries.

Tribes in New Zealand would use Jade to embellish their masks. They would also appeal to the mystical powers of Jade when they sought to make a gift to the water spirits. The Spanish also termed JadePiedra de Hijada which translates to Stone of the Loin, probably in homage to Jades helpful effect when it comes to mending the bladder and problems with the kidneys. Claro, China is where Jade is truly adored and celebrated. It can be found etched into many kinds of jewelry, monuments, and majestic deities. There are two separate minerals that are often referred to as JadeJadeite and Nephrite. The former is known also as Imperial Jade and is rarer. Nephrite Jade has a brighter more resin-like shine to its green tint. Jade is rich in calcium-magnesium and along with casting light on the spiritual world, it can also enable the nervous system to heal.

Ancient tribes would whisper that Jade was a Dream Stone. It’s highly famous for its metaphysical magic and is commonly utilized as an aid in emotional healing, trabalho dos sonhos, and connecting with higher worlds. Back on the ground and Jade is also an amulet for good luck, a charm for accepting abundance, and a stone of sublime tranquility and well-being. To find out more about the therapeutic powers of Jade, continue lendo.

If Jade isn’t the stone that fills you with joy make sure to check out our Essential Guide to Healing Crystals and choose a gem that brings you hope and brightness.

Different Kinds of Jade

Green Jade is frequently the shade of healing stone we are the most familiar with, but the original Jade meaning actually relates to a stone that comes in a wide spectrum of colors, each offering their own charm. Whatever shade of Jade best matches you depends on what you are looking in a healing gemstone, but all will provide luck, coragem, and enough delight to the user.

Blue Jade

Gorgeous Blue Hade is all about tranquility and reflection. Like gazing into a deep still water pond, it urges you to sit quietly in your own spirit, examine your dreams, and not be concerned by ripples because you know that deep down all is good.

White Jade

Pale and lovely, White Jade is known for helping to filter your mind of distractions and keeping things in perspective. White Jade is an excellent aid for folks who struggle with decision making.

Jade Vermelho

Say yes to a bright and brilliant blast of chi, stir up your soul, and get ready to shoot down those worries that have long been holding you back by tapping into the courageous energy of Red Jade.

Black Jade

Like many of the dark midnight hued stones, Black Jade is all about inviting in protection, keeping grounded, and making sure that you aren’t hemming yourself in with your own thought patterns.

Yellow Jade

For individuals who seek a rush of good fortune and a bright disposition, the positive power of Yellow Jade almost shines with good purpose.

Lavender Jade

.Gentle and tranquil and ever in touch with a feeling of spirituality, Lavender Jade delves into our higher being and enables us to recuperate from ancient torments so that we can breathe deep and fly high.

Imperial Jade

Vivid green colors show up in the regal moods of the aptly titled Imperial Jade. One of the most expensive varieties in the Jade world, this stone protects and brings inner harmony.

Orange Jade

A flaming warmth and invigorating flow exude from the live wire that is the Orange Jade. This stone emits life and love and all things nice and is a glorious pick me up.

Purple Jade

For individuals who feel like they need a good aura cleansing, Purple Jade is a fantastic stone for spring cleaning those cobwebby areas of the chakras and the soul.

Brown Jade

Earthly and grounded and with all the energy of Mother Nature herself, Brown Jade is all about digging into your roots, finding your comfort inside, and not letting life shake you to the very core.

Healing Properties of Jade

Different shapes of Jade stones

Having a lengthy history as a protective talisman, Jade has forever been grabbed, worn, and praised as being a stone that is bathed in good luck. It’s said that the cosmos just pours all the good things towards Jade and as a giving jewel, she is always happy to distribute that good luck. Along with being an amulet for luck, your use of Jade can cover every angle of healing, from emotional to spiritual, and of course physical too. Take a peek at the dazzling healing properties of magnificent Jade.

Propriedades de cura física

Jade may be an emotional and spiritual player, but it also knows how to help the body to recover too. Jade is a powerful and enormously potent cleansing stone meaning it may go right to work assisting organs to detox from pollutants. It is known to aid the kidneys, the bladder, the spleen, and to balance the fluid systems in the body. Together with all of that, Jade is also popular for helping individuals to battle infections, its cooling touch helps to bring down fevers, and it is widely used to urge the body to properly repair itself. For people who are having sexual troubles, Jade can also be something of a libido stirrer.

Mental & Propriedades de cura emocional

Jade is highly intuitive when it comes to dealing with mental and emotional wellbeing. This stone nudges out negative thought patterns, presents you the confidence and insight to welcome your own smart guidance and is all about enhancing self-sufficiency so you feel entitled and proud to stand on your own two feet. Self-sufficiency is very important when it comes to boosting self-esteem, navigating through the world with a fantastic sense of confidence, and keeping your soul nourished. Jade is naturally tied to ideals of purity, and this doesn’t mean living without a shadow side, but being clear of mind and peaceful of heart to accept every angle of yourself. Jade wants to soak you in self-love and soothe you into familiar habits of acceptance that are likely to stay.

Propriedades metafísicas

High in spiritual energies, Jade is hugely associated to the heart chakra. For individuals ready to drain out negative energy and get into harmony with the larger environment, you will appreciate those beautiful shimmering moods that Jade brings with it. The heart chakra is where our trust, amor, and compassion lies. The heart goes beyond romantic love, linking us to how we cope with the planet and all people that exist in it. The heart chakra assists us to map out beautiful friendships, build wonderful family bonds, and even to connect with our own feeling of self-love.

Pedra de Nascimento do Zodíaco

Rich in good flow and ever in connection to the heart, Jade wants to share the joy meaning that it can be employed in accordance with numerous star signs rather than tying itself down to just one. Taurus, Gemini, Libra, and Aries – all these signs enjoy the cooling touch, self-assured demeanor, and capacity to ground and grow the heart.

Taureans have so many beautiful characteristics but for some reason, they often lapse into self-doubt. Not with Jade on their side. For those Taurus signs who are tired of second-guessing their own mind, Jade is here to boost your conviction in yourself.

For Gemini’s, Jade comes in very helpful as an amulet to assist them stand in alignment with people and events. Gemini’s are flighty creatures overflowing up with joy, but they may be indecisive and people pleasers deep down. Jade will swoop in to bring you certainty and open your heart to be ready for abundance.

If you want to know which stone is most suited to your own astrological sign, you can check out our guide to selecting the correct gemstones for your star sign right here.

Como usar este cristal

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Confira nosso jade energy bracelet

From beautifying your house to buying gemstone jewelry to wear as an amulet for health and success, there are numerous ways to welcome a lovely dosage of cheerful Jade into your life. Claro, this stone has a long and powerful history with Feng Shui practice and for ages people have been awarding Jade pride of place in their homes. Jade jewelry is not only visually attractive but also comes with the rich benefit of having the stone in close proximity to the skin which improves its healing powers.

Lar & Escritório

Throughout the ancient and modern world, numerous societies have utilized Jade in the house to attract riches, sorte, and pleasant energies. From jewelry to carvings and stunning decorating, Jade instantly catches the eye with its gentle colorings, natural patterns, and sublimely peaceful emotions. With its gentle and pleasant energy, Jade is a stone that is all about purity and cleaning, making it a fantastic addition to your house. By adding Jade in your home, you are quickly purifying the environment and providing space for gentleness to flourish. Together with purity, Jade is also a stone that brings harmony and balance which makes it a fantastic asset to the workplace. Putting Jade on your desk can attract riches and prosperity, coupled with making sure that you are flowing in your own communication and creativity and safe from harmful vibrations.


Jade jewelry is one of the best methods for the wearer to continually stay connected to the lucky and light energy of this magnificent stone. Having Jade close to your skin means there is no barrier getting in the way of those healing impulses seeping into your being and beginning to work. Jade Energy Bracelets are one of the more traditional means of turning to the tremendous energies of this charm and with their luscious color scheme, they are incredibly appealing.

Additional stones that function brilliantly when coupled with Jade include several varieties of Greenstones that work in harmony with the heart chakra. Agate also serves Jade well bringing its purifying aura moods and steadfast strengths to the table. Rose Quartz is another stone that deals in compassion and heart chakra healing so if this is an area where you feel you need a little extra supportthese two stones are a match made in crystal heaven.

Como limpar sua pedra preciosa

Jade and other stones on wood in the sun

Cleaning the energy that your crystal acquires is a terrific way to ensure that your Jade stone stays at the top of its game. While Jade isn’t one to cling to negative vibrations, caring for your stone is sometimes more about delivering love and intentional energy. Jade is a relatively smooth and robust stone and won’t suffer from being cleaned with a little warm soapy water and even a soft-bristled toothbrush for those who want to give it a deep clean. Always make sure that you dry Jade carefully with a soft cloth to help it retain that gorgeous sheen.

If you want to charge your Jade up and give it a fresh surge of energy then you can do so by letting it sit in spring water for a few minutes or taking a time to meditate with your Jade and fill it with pure purpose.

Propriedades Geológicas

Classificação QuímicaSodium aluminum silicate
Fórmula químicaNaAlSi2Ó6 (jadeite) or Ca2(Mg,Fe)Si2Ó6 (nephrite)
Sistema CristalinoMonoclínica (jadeite) or amphibole (nephrite)
CorVerde, branco, lavanda, and other colors
BrilhoWaxy to dull
TransparênciaTranslúcido a opaco
OcorrênciaMetamorphic rocks and alluvial deposits in various parts of the world
FormaçãoFormed by high-pressure metamorphism of pre-existing rocks or by hydrothermal alteration
DiafaneidadeTranslúcido a opaco
Dureza de Mohs6.5-7
Gravidade Específica2.9-3.3
Propriedades de diagnósticoToughness, translucency, and range of colors (verde, branco, and lavender)
Composição químicaPrimarily jadeite or nephrite with varying amounts of other minerals such as albite, quartz, and serpentine
Sistema CristalinoMonoclínica (jadeite) or amphibole (nephrite)
Propriedades ópticasBiaxial positivo
Índice de refração1.60-1.67 (jadeite) ou 1.60-1.63 (nephrite)
Birrefringência0.008-0.013 (jadeite) ou 0.006-0.011 (nephrite)
2Ângulo V20-40° (jadeite) or 0-30° (nephrite)
DispersãoNot measurable
Outras característicasFound in metamorphic rocks and alluvial deposits; historically valued for carving and ornamental purposes

Final Thoughts About Jade

As one of the oldest healing stones and amulets celebrated for attracting luck, Jade is a caring and nurturing stone that quickly relaxes and helps you to let go of old notions you may have been clinging to. While some crystals can make you feel like you need to deep dive into healing, Jade takes a softer and more spread out approach. It’s a stone that doesn’t demand from you, but instead provides you with all the love and courage you need to raise your own vibrations, tap into your aspirations, and welcome all the great things that want to come to you.

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