Significado de Cristal

Significado de Malaquita: Propriedades curativas & Usos diários

O que é Malaquita?

Malaquita é um mineral de carbonato de cobre verde. It is part of the monolithic crystal structure and has a silky gloss. Malachite is widely utilized as an ore of copper. It has an opaque transparency and sometimes has a patterned surface. Malachite is a beautiful shade of green, and its meaning is metamorphosis and positive change.

Look at our essential guide to healing gemstones and select a crystal that captures you.

The Historical Uses of Malachite

  • Loved by the Greeks and the Egyptians
  • Used as a protective gem
  • Mined in Russia, Austrália, The Congo, e Austrália

Hypnotic green swirls and a rich azurite combination make the healing gemstone of Malachite sparkle. This dark emerald and magnificent stone can send our imaginations racing to forests of velvet green, soft spring days, lush mountains, and calm running waterways. It is a stone that draws its name from the Greek word for malakosmeaning soft. While it is a stone that holds its strength, Malachite is a heart opening which may connect to how the Greeks came to give this stone with its benign appellation.

The Greeks weren’t the only ones to fall for this swirling green stone; the Egyptians also were enamored and would often extract the green gem of the earth from the mines of Suez as far back as 4000 AC. Being admirers of the ornate and eye-catching, the Egyptians discovered a thousand applications for Malachitefrom grinding it down to pigment for Cleopatra-inspired eye makeup to adorn their wrists and necks with sparkling stones. As time crept into the middle ages, Malachite hadn’t gone by the wayside or lost its enchantment. It was consumed by healers who calm stomach disorders and defend against curses and harmful spirits. Até hoje, Malachite is being used in this protective fashion.

Malachite may have been uncovered in Egyptian mines, but the traveler’s stone can be found in many corners of the globe. From the snows of Russia to the crackling sun-scorched dirt of Australia, Malachite has been taken from the ground. Naturalmente, it is also found in some of the world’s most lush, terrestre, and spiritual locales, like the Amazon Jungle’s depths and the Congo’s near-vertical slopes.

Having amassed all the wisdom of the ages and the earth’s vitality, Malachite is here to support us in times of transformation. For those ever ready to welcome new jumps or to cling to the brink of something, Malachite presents you with the strength to cut your inner branches and say yes to further growth. Let’s go a little deeper and uncover the healing powers of Malachite meaning.

If Malachite doesn’t strike a chord with your heart, look at our Essential Gemstone Guide here and pick a stone that pleases you.

Malachite Healing Properties

A guardian of the heart, a healer of shattered bones and blood pressure, and a protection from the harmful flow of negative energy — Malachite is a busy stone. Green color gemstones always seem to have tremendous strong qualities and love linking to the heart chakra. Malachite is no exception, and with its energy capabilities, ele realiza um ótimo trabalho ao incentivá-lo a abandonar velhos traumas e padrões e a se aventurar fora de sua zona de conforto. Vamos dar uma olhada em todas as maneiras pelas quais a Malaquita pode fazer sua mágica para equilibrar seu corpo, mente, e alma…

Propriedades de cura física

  • Incentiva a cura rápida
  • Ajuda com cólicas menstruais

Uma ferramenta favorita dos alquimistas e curandeiros de antigamente, A malaquita provou a sua eficácia ao longo de gerações quando se trata de transmitir sabedoria ao corpo. É uma pedra que se acredita manter a pressão arterial baixa e seu caráter relaxante sem dúvida ajuda nisso.. A malaquita também atua em harmonia com os ossos, incentivando a cura rápida de ossos quebrados, músculos danificados, e dificuldades com as articulações.

Devido à sua forte energia feminina, Malachite is also a stone that lends a hand to period difficulties like menstruation cramps and helps the body flow in greater harmony when it comes to labor pains. It has received its other moniker as the Midwife Stone.

Malachite is an outstanding stone at helping lessen worries, not just in an emotional aspect but also in helping the body deal with the beating heart and perspiration that can accompany reluctance to change and phobias. This is perhaps how Malachite also earnt its reputation of being a talisman for travelers, particularly those who fear to go on flights or who suffer from travel sickness.

Mental & Propriedades de cura emocional

  • Flushes out toxic emotions and unwanted energy
  • Gifts inner strength and confidence
  • Helps you embrace change

When it comes to emotional healing here is when Malachite amps up its powers. One of the strongest aspects that flow from Malachite is its immense protection capabilities. Malachite is all about flushing out toxic emotions, clearing out undesired energy, and ensuring that those nasty vibrations stay 6 feet away at all times. It offers you bravery, entendimento, and the ability to identify and say no to all forms of emotional coercion. It’s a stone that sends a warning bell when things aren’t as they appear, offering you the inner strength and confidence you need to know that no matter what, this stone will teach you how to have your own back without paranoia.

While it’s not busily cleaning the route of poor energy, Malachite is all about providing you the capacity to embrace change. Também é conhecida como a Pedra da Mudança. Malaquita lhe dá uma dose diária de coragem, exorta você a ir além de sua zona de conforto, e serve como um lembrete inteligente de que para seguir em frente na vida; há algumas coisas que você pode precisar deixar para trás. Faz isso sem abrir mão da empatia ou perder o equilíbrio, mas de alguma forma mantém você focado, calma, e pronto para abordar decisões emocionais com facilidade e elegância.

Propriedades metafísicas

  • Abre o chacra cardíaco
  • Trabalha com o terceiro olho e o chakra do plexo solar

Como muitas das pedras verdes claras e escuras, Malaquita é em grande parte uma pedra do chacra cardíaco. Quando nossos chacras cardíacos estão bloqueados, lutamos para demonstrar todo o espectro do nosso amor e permitir que as pessoas compartilhem a maravilhosa essência de nossas almas.. Malaquita vai direto ao trabalho no chacra cardíaco, limpando as barreiras para que a beleza possa fluir. Também não para no coração, Malaquita atua através dos chakras, aumentando o seu Chakra do Plexo Solar para que você possa se sentir ancorado e cheio de vida. É um agitador de pedra com certeza. Ele também acessa o Chacra do Terceiro Olho, onde estão nossa infinita sabedoria e nossa intuição mais profunda. Quando nosso terceiro olho estiver claro para abrir, significa que estamos saltando mais alto espiritualmente e é aí que a magia pode ser gerada e as visões psíquicas ainda têm a chance de absorver.

Pedra de Nascimento do Zodíaco

  • Uma pedra de nascimento para Escorpião e Capricórnio

Quando se trata de ligações com o universo e os signos do zodíaco, Malaquita é uma pedra de nascimento fantástica para Escorpiões e Capricórnios. Scorpios have an ever-changing flow of energy (all part of being a water sign) and Malachite knows how to keep you firmly protected while you rush down all these varied rivers. It’s a journey stone, and Scorpios seem ever to be heading off on some adventure — whether physically into the big wide world or on a more spiritual level. Scorpio is also the sign of passion and is tied to the concept of the phoenix being born once again from the ashes. Considering all that we know about the Malachite crystal and its association with protection from the evil eye, we cannot think of a better stone to represent that. It’s a stone that connects into the Solar Plexus where the flaming energy of sexual emancipation sits. É também uma pedra sobre abraçar a mudança, a transição e a ascensão, ascendente, ascendente – não importa para que lado a maré esteja virando.

Capricórnios também, aprecie os deslumbrantes redemoinhos verdes e pretos da Malaquita. Às vezes, os capricornianos podem ficar um pouco contidos e a Malaquita oferece sua energia fantástica para incitar este signo a ir além de sua zona de conforto com facilidade e assumir um ou dois riscos para ajudá-los a crescer como pessoa.. Elimina a repressão de sentimentos reprimidos e, em vez disso, neutraliza sentimentos melancólicos com boas vibrações, faíscas imaginativas, e uma sensação incomparável de força interior.

Como usar malaquita

Confira nossa pulseira curativa de malaquita! 

  • Use para obter energia e proteção.
  • Coloque em casa para impedir a entrada de energia negativa

Audacioso, brilhante, e um flash de cor bem-vindo para qualquer conjunto ou ambiente, Malaquita é sempre uma força bem-vinda na vida. É uma pedra excelente para meditação, é incrível quando escolhido como joia com pedras preciosas, e fica ótimo quando integrado a qualquer forma de design doméstico Feng Shui. Veja todas as maneiras de utilizar o poder de cura da Malaquita em sua vida…

Lar& Escritório

Energia e proteção exalam da cintilante pedra verde da Malaquita.

Para aqueles que desejam manter sua casa e seu lar protegidos do mal juju, é uma pedra perfeita para colocar na porta da frente ou em qualquer forma de porta para impedir essas energias negativas diretamente em seu caminho.

Outro uso fantástico da Malaquita em casa é despertar energia em locais opacos..

Se você não está se recuperando no quarto, then placing Malachite close to the bed could make sense to bring a new wave of action.

If you are trying to get creative in your workstation, then having the brilliant vibes of Malachite on your desk will enable you to pick up the pace and develop something extraordinary.


Malachite’s stunning color was prized by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians when it was used in jewelry.It looks stunning when paired with every skin tone and hair color and has such a regal aura.

Green is unquestionably one of the most versatile and alluring colors, especially when it is accentuated by copper carbonate glitter.

Despite its visual beauty, malachite is a stunning choice for jewelry since it is the ideal way to transfer all those amazing vibrations from stone to skin.

If you want to get the most out of your healing crystal, skin contact is essential.
With a Malachite bracelet, you may draw protection, healing vibrations, and energy right into your pulse, which will then send healing waves throughout your entire body.

By combining your malachite stone with other stones that are complementary to its properties, you can increase its energy.

Crisocola, Turmalina, and Hematite all appreciate the companionship of Malachite, as do Lapis Lazuli and Chrysocolla.

The latter two stones are well-known in crystal healing for having a robust coat of armor-like level of defense.

Agate is a wonderful companion stone for malachite, and the two stones work synergistically to strengthen the immune system.

How to Cleanse your Malachite Stone

  • Cleanse with water
  • Charge with plants and earth

Todas as pedras preciosas de cura adoram ser limpas e renovadas de vez em quando, especialmente Malaquita, pois é um trabalho árduo tentar cuidar de todas essas vibrações negativas. Manter sua Malaquita limpa é simples, e eficaz, e garante que permanecerá no auge absoluto de seu jogo de poder. Basta água morna com sabão e uma toalha delicada para eliminar os restos. Lave sua malaquita a cada poucas semanas ou após um dia ou semana muito difícil, se necessário. Mantê-la limpa manterá a pedra feliz e as vibrações voando alto.

Se você acha que sua pedra malaquita pode precisar de um pouco, pegue-me, então você pode recarregá-la de algumas maneiras. Malaquita ama a natureza, e precisa do beijo da terra de vez em quando. Coloque no jardim, debaixo de uma árvore, or even bury it in the dirt for a night to let it soak up Mother Nature’s soul. If you wish to keep it clean, then you can also set it with some geode crystal clusters to amp its energy back up or leave it in the sun or moonlight for a few hours. If placed in sunlight, don’t leave it too long as this may lead to the beautiful hues disappearing. Never use salt on your Malachite stone as this can harm flawless smoothness.

Propriedades Geológicas

Classificação QuímicaMineral carbonato
Fórmula químicaCu2(CO3)(OH)2
Sistema de cristalMonoclínica
CorBright green
BrilhoVítreo a sedoso
TransparênciaTranslúcido a opaco
OcorrênciaSecondary mineral in the oxidation zone of copper deposits
FormaçãoForms as a result of the weathering of copper ores or the action of carbonated water on copper-bearing rocks
DiafaneidadeTranslúcido a opaco
DecotePerfeito em {201}, good on {010}
Dureza de Mohs3.5 – 4
Gravidade Específica3.6 – 4.0
Propriedades de diagnósticoBright green color, green streak, effervescence in hydrochloric acid, strong biaxial negative interference figures
Composição químicaCopper carbonate hydroxide (Cu2(CO3)(OH)2)
Sistema CristalinoMonoclínica
Propriedades ópticasBiaxial (-)
Índice de refraçãonão = 1.655 – 1.909, nβ = 1.875 – 2.065, nγ = 1.895 – 2.085
Birrefringênciad = 0.240 – 0.176
2Ângulo VMedido: 55° to 87°; calculado: 56° to 90°
DispersãoRelatively weak
Outras característicasAssociates with azurite, occurs in secondary copper deposits, commonly found in caves, can be used as a pigment or gemstone

Final Thoughts on Malachite

Malachite is a stone that everyone needs in their life. Not only is it lovely, drenched in history, and hardworking when it comes to making you feel fantastic, but it’s also a genuine companion stone. For those who are tired of feeling vulnerable out there and are sick of sub-consciously opposing the flow of change, think of Malachite as your sword and shield. Está sempre pronto para lhe mostrar o que você precisa saber, mas o faz de uma forma tão amorosa que sentimentos positivos de repente começarão a segui-lo.. Quem não deseja mais alegria, mais beleza, e o simples prazer de se sentir cuidado? Obrigado por tudo que você faz Malaquita.

O que você acha da magia da pedra malaquita? A magnífica natureza verde atrai você? Compartilhe suas opiniões nos comentários.

Perguntas frequentes sobre malaquita

O que a Malaquita faz?

Malaquita é uma pedra protetora que ajuda a varrer energias nocivas. É também a pedra da transformação, pois pode lhe dar coragem e ajudá-lo a sair da sua zona de conforto.. É uma pedra preciosa que promove o poder interior, abre o chacra cardíaco, e traz você para o alinhamento.

Para que serve a Malaquita??

A malaquita tem um histórico de ser utilizada como pedra de proteção, força, e se recuperando após uma doença. Atrai energias ruins e pode tirar ansiedades. Tem uma forte energia feminina, portanto, também pode ajudar potencialmente com dificuldades hormonais ou menstruais.. Também pode alinhar os chakras, com ênfase especial na abertura do chakra do coração..

Como limpar Malaquita?

Uma das melhores maneiras de limpar a malaquita é com um pouco de água morna e sabão e um pano. A malaquita é uma pedra relativamente macia e tem uma alta concentração de cobre, por isso certifique-se de sempre secá-la bem. Se você deseja uma maneira menos invasiva de limpar sua Malaquita, você também pode trabalhar com banhos de som, borrar, or leave it in the presence of other cleansing gems like Selenite and Clear Quartz.

O que é Malaquita?

Malachite is a green and black swirling gemstone that is made up of green copper carbonate. It obtains its stunning green hue from copper and is widely utilized as a copper ore. It is part of the monolithic crystal structure and has an opaque transparency. It’s rich green surface can sometimes exhibit deeper swirls. Malachite is regarded to be a gemstone of positive progress.

Can Malachite get wet?

Malachite scores between 3-4 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. This signifies that the gemstone is quite delicate and consequently less safe to be placed in water. It also has a high copper concentration which means that water may potentially harm the surface of the stone and cause copper to seep into the water. If you do get your Malachite wet, be sure to dry it well.

Where is Malachite found?

Malachite can be found across the globe however the largest deposit mines are found in the Urals region of Russia. You can also locate Malachite in the African countries of the Congo, Zambia, Namíbia, and Gabon. Malachite has also been found in Mexico and Australia among other places.

How to charge Malachite?

Malachite is a stone with rich early vibes and a jewel that truly relates to the soul of nature. If you want to give it a pick me up in terms of energy and charge it to its utmost capacity, you can bury it in ground for an eve or even set it beneath a tree. Additional ways to cleanse your Malachite include leaving it in the light of the moon (excellent for connecting with its feminine energy), and placing it in the vicinity of geode clusters.

What is Malachite used for?

As a stone having physical, emocional, and spiritual properties you can employ Malachite for a large number of activities. It can be used to assist build up strength again after a period of illness. It can be used to bring monthly cycles into equilibrium. It can also be employed in labour. Emotionally Malachite can cleanse away undesired emotions and destructive thought patterns and assist you to face your anxieties. It can also open the heart chakra and increase insight by activating the third eye.

How to tell if Malachite is real?

One of the greatest ways of knowing if Malachite is authentic is to take a closer look at the patterns on the gemstone. No pattern will be uniform. Real Malachite will have a range of hues and swirls with thick and thin lines, speckles, and circles. It’s also a gemstone that usually feels naturally cool to the touch and feels substantial in the hand.

How to utilize Malachite?

One of the best ways to use this wonderful pop of color gemstone is to wear Malachite on the body. Malachite jewelry encourages you to stay connected and protected by the stones transforming qualities. Direct skin contact syncs vibrations and helps purify the chakras all while keeping negative energy away. Bringing Malachite into the home, you can bring it into your workstation to ignite creative energy or put it in the bedroom to invoke greater connection with your significant others.

How much is Malachite worth?

Today days Malachite is considered to be a rarer gemstone than others as many mines have been depleted. The pricing of Malachite will vary depending on the size and quality of the stone. Tipicamente, you can expect to pay roughly $20 para $40 for a well polished specimen that sits in the palm of your hand.

What does Malachite look like?

Malachite is a gorgeous green stone. It’s green tints can range widely from rich brilliant colours to something a little lighter. It frequently features patterns and swirls in hues of black on the surface. Malachite also has a lustrous and velvety shine.

How is Malachite formed?

Malachite is generated when copper deposits become oxidised. It is a secondary crystal generated in the earth’s crust or deep underground areas and cracks when carbonated water reacts with copper or when copper interacts with limestone.

Is Malachite expensive?

Malachite is not a very pricey stone despite it being progressively rarer as time goes on. There is still a significant lot of Malachite out there in the globe which means that you may pick it up for a relatively good pricing. You should expect to pay anything from $20 e $50 for a glossy tumbling piece and up to $1000 for a genuine cut specimen.

Is Malachite a gemstone?

Malachite is a mineral gemstone, it has a lovely green and black marbled tint and may be fairly cold to the touch. Ele vem dentro da categoria mineral carbonato e faz parte do sistema de cristal monoclínico.

Que chakra é Malaquita?

Sendo uma pedra preciosa verde deslumbrante, Malaquita ressoa amplamente com o chacra cardíaco. O chacra cardíaco é o centro do nosso amor, confiar, e compaixão e quando está aberto podemos levar vidas mais ricas e cheias de conexão. No entanto, Malaquita vai além do coração, também se conectando com o chacra do plexo solar e o chacra do terceiro olho para provocar o aterramento, conhecimento, e um espírito guerreiro. É uma joia tão equilibrada que pode alinhar todos os seus chakras.

O verde malaquita é um corante básico?

De fato, O verde malaquita é um corante básico. Também é solúvel em água e produz um lindo tom de verde como sua cor.

Como você limpa Malaquita?

If you wish to physically cleanse Malachite you can hold it under fresh running water for a few seconds to let any build up release. Always be sure to dry the stone correctly. You can also energetically cleanse Malachite by smudging it, leaving it in the moonlight, or having it sit in soil for a few hours.

How to polish Malachite?

Polished Malachite has a great glossy aspect to it and with time it might lose its gorgeous sheen and brilliance. While Malachite is a sensitive stone you need to be careful when polishing it as overworking it might damage the unique patterns on the surface. The best approach to polish Malachite is with fine diamond grit. If you are planning to tumble Malachite you may also place it in the tumbler with Turquoise or Jade but be careful not to add any harder gemstones into the mix.

Where to get Malachite?

You should be able to find Malachite from any reliable gemstone merchant. Always make sure that the shop you engage with is real so you can be guaranteed to acquire the most ethically sourced and well-cut gemstones out there.

How uncommon is Malachite?

Whether Malachite is scarce can be a two sided tale. It’s true that mineral reserves for Malachite have been depleted suggesting that it could become scarce in the future. At present moment, there is a good number of Malachite out in the globe, however single crystals and clusters are uncommon.

Is Malachite a protective stone?

De fato, Malachite is a stone that possesses tremendous protective abilities. This is a treasure that keeps negative energy at bay, facilitates cleanse, and allows you to mentally face your anxieties. It is also known as the midwife stone as it enables people to deal with the ebb and flow and obstacles of birth. Malachite has historically been a popular stone of healers and alchemists as it helps the body to mend.

Is Malachite green good or negative?

Malachite is a positive form of staining. This is because while Malachite is an acidic dye, it has a chromophore which interacts with positive charge on cells.

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